Prancūzijos patirtis (
2017-05-29 2017-06-04 23:33Prancūzijos patirtis (
Prancūzijos patirtis (
„How public action gets digital“ (kalba EN su sinchroniniu vertimu) – pranešėjas Matti Schneider
Software eats the world, data is the oil of the XXIst century… yet, assessing my retirement pension online is still a pain. And I’m pretty sure I already filled in that form six months ago!
Why aren’t public services as easy to use as AirBnB? What would happen if civil society could use their APIs? Or if one made pull requests on them?
In this session, I will talk you through remarkable examples of government services digital transformation, and highlight what they have in common. Spoiler: it is always about being more open, more collaborative, and more trustful. Did you say more “agile”?
I will illustrate these points with the French initiative, in which we use digital, agile and lean culture to deliver high-quality digital public services that change the relationship between citizens and the administration.